Reflection is an important process to go through in order to give yourself the opportunity to practice careful thinking in your coaching practice. Many of us do this already and answer questions from our head coaches on an end of season questionnaire. Not only are these questions important, but the questions you ask yourself are even moreso. The ones where you reflect on your beliefs and actions taken. Going through this process gives you a learning opportunity to untangle the mess and learn from the reorganizing of data you took in over the course of this season.
You’re probably accustomed to going through a sheet like this
This is very program specific, and can also require some understanding of not only yourself but what the head coach is looking for. It is an opportunity for feedback, but also part of your evaluation.
I prefer a more personal reflection. Something that requires you to be alone with your thoughts, as scary as that may be for some.
I really like these questions I received from Daron Roberts’ newsletter, Stay In The Deep End.
1. Who am I?
2. What do I believe?
3. What are my non-negotiables?
4. What is my North Star?
5. What are my biggest strengths?
6. What are my opportunities for growth?
7. What matters most? What doesn't?
And there’s no deadline for this one. This is on your schedule. When you have time. Because you’re going to need time.
You may only have time to answer one question this week. But it will be worth it.
You and your entire program will benefit.